TERRA 2021, 13th World Congress on Earthen Architecture will be organised by the Getty Conservation Institute, the National Park Service Vanishing Treasures Program, and the University of Pennsylvania School of Design in June 8-11, 2021.
Following a thorough evaluation by ISCEAH Board, regarding the three nominations that submitted proposals to host TERRA 2021, we hereby notify that the nomination with the highest score was the one that will host TERRA World Congress in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA. More details about the 13th World Congress are available here.
On behalf of ISCEAH, we congratulate the co-organizers and all the people that contributed to submit such high quality nomination.
Due to the excellent nomination submitted by the University of Cuenca, ISCEAH invited the Ecuadorian University to organize TERRA 2024. Therefore, the 14th World Congress on Earthen Architecture will be organised in Cuenca, Ecuador, in 2024.
ISCEAH also appreciated the high interest, and the hard work accomplished by all three teams, preparing detailed proposals, to compete and to host the Earthen Architecture World Congress.
We will be looking for to meet you all in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, in June 2021!